Best Mastermind Groups & Mastermind Pro Tips (2025) 

by Brandon Boushy
Best Mastermind Groups & Mastermind Pro Tips (2025) 

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Be prepared when you join a mastermind group: It can help you make meaningful changes and advancements in your professional and personal life. In the business realm, flourishing mastermind group meetings often combine successful business leaders and a group of small business owners focused on bringing their creative ideas to life.

There are numerous mastermind group options that you should look at to decide whether a given mastermind is right for you. We also talked to a member of the UpFlip team who’s been masterminding for seven years and share her tips and takeaways.

Read our mastermind insights from start to finish, or click any of the links above to jump straight to the mastermind info you need right now.

What is a Mastermind Group?

Concept of an online mastermind group showing a man using a laptop and headshots of his mastermind group members hovering around it

A mastermind group is a small, structured group of people who come together to support and encourage each other in achieving their goals. Mastermind groups typically meet regularly, either in person or online, to share ideas, provide feedback, and hold each other accountable.

The concept of mastermind groups was popularized by Napoleon Hill in his 1937 book Think and Grow Rich. Hill believed that mastermind groups could help individuals achieve success by leveraging the collective power of the group’s members.

Mastermind groups can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Increased motivation and accountability: A mastermind group can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Knowing that you have a group of people who are cheering you on and holding you accountable can make a big difference in your ability to achieve your goals.
  • Shared ideas and feedback: Mastermind groups can be a great source of new ideas and feedback. When you share your goals and challenges with the group, you can get valuable insights and suggestions from others who have been there before.
  • Networking and relationship building: Mastermind groups can help you build strong relationships with like-minded individuals. These relationships can be beneficial both personally and professionally, as you can learn from each other, support each other, and help each other grow.

If you’re looking for a way to accelerate your success, joining a mastermind group could be a great option. Mastermind groups can provide you with the support, encouragement, and accountability you need to achieve your goals.

A mastermind group might also be referred to as a mastermind event, especially when it is hosted in person as opposed to online.

What is a Mastermind Class?

A mastermind class is a type of educational program that brings together a small group of individuals to learn from each other and collaborate on projects. Mastermind classes are typically led by an experienced facilitator who guides the group through a series of learning activities and discussions.

The goal of a mastermind class is to help participants develop their skills, knowledge, and networks in a supportive and collaborative environment. Mastermind classes can be beneficial for a variety of people, including entrepreneurs, business professionals, and creatives.

Some of the benefits of participating in a mastermind class, which might be a one-time event or more limited in scope than an ongoing mastermind group, include:

  • Rapid learning: Mastermind classes provide participants with the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives. This can help them to develop new skills and knowledge that they can apply to their own lives and careers.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Mastermind classes encourage participants to collaborate on projects and ideas. This can help them develop stronger teamwork skills and build relationships with other professionals.
  • Increased motivation: Being part of a mastermind class can help participants stay motivated and focused on their goals. Knowing that they have a group of people who are supporting them and holding them accountable can make a big difference in their ability to achieve their goals.

If you are looking for a way to learn and grow in a supportive and collaborative environment, a mastermind class might be a good option for you.

How to Find Mastermind Groups

Man at a laptop pointing to a clipboard with masterminding tips that read "network", "online", and "aim high"

Mastermind groups can be a great way to accelerate your success. They provide support, encouragement, and accountability to help you achieve your goals. If you’re interested in joining a mastermind group, there are a few things you can do to find one:

  1. Talk to your network. Ask your friends, family, and colleagues if they know of any mastermind groups. You can also reach out to local business organizations or associations and inquire about mastermind groups in your area.
  2. Get online. There are a number of online platforms that list mastermind groups. Some popular options include Meetup, MastermindMatch, and Mindmixer. You can also search for mastermind groups on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook.
  3. Invest in personal development. Look for retreats and programs that incorporate a mastermind component. You’ll meet people who are committed to challenging and expanding themselves just like you are, and the facilitators will guide you in establishing a well-structured mastermind. This is how one of our team members wound up in her masterminds, which we share more about below.
  4. Aim high. When you’re looking for a mastermind group, it’s important to find one that’s a good fit for you. Consider your goals, your level of experience, and your personality. You want to find a group that will challenge you and support you on your journey.

Mastermind groups can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. If you’re looking for a way to accelerate your success, I encourage you to find a mastermind group today.

Case Study: Our Editor’s Mastermind Experience

One of our editors, Linsey Stevens, has been masterminding for over seven years and has been working with the same group of mastermind partners—all small business owners—since October 2020.

She was introduced to Think and Grow Rich by her father, a Boeing missile defense site manager, when she was a teenager, but didn’t think much of it until her late 20s when the idea of the “master mind” emerged as a central theme in a series of Personal Transformation Intensive (PTI) retreats she’d enrolled for with award-winning author, artist, and psychotherapist Erick French.

Group members were required to find a mastermind group and participate in a weekly or biweekly mastermind meeting with other members of the PTI for the duration of the five-month program.

Initially, the mastermind group definition threw Linsey a little. She admits that committing to a very specific meeting structure, reading from Hill’s text aloud with the whole group, and working with specific accountability structures “felt a little culty.” As a definite introvert, she was also unsure about whether she could have fruitful discussions with people she’d just started getting to know over a long weekend.

Despite her hesitation, Linsey’s first mastermind wound up being a success that lasted the duration of the PTI and actually continued on for a whole year.

Since then, she’s participated in a group that formed during PTI 2 (another five-month series of retreats open to PTI 1 grads), a Wellness Institute Internship mastermind, and now, her own mastermind comprised of three women business owners with different PTI and Wellness Institute experience.

Linsey’s Top Mastermind Wins

Linsey credits committing to her own group masterminding experiences with

  • Working her way up in her editing career, from accepting a junior editor role (she was a career changer) to earning her target salary as a full-time managing editor
  • Meeting health and wellness goals
  • Joining an invitation-only volunteer board and cochairing (so far) two multiday conferences
  • Doubling her freelancing hourly rate, taking her private editing business from a side hustle to her primary gig, and leaving her 9-to-5 behind

Mastermind Groups, Creative Ideas—Linsey’s Masterminding Nonnegotiables

In Linsey’s seven years of masterminding experience, she’s arrived at some nonnegotiables she shared with us.

  1. The Magic Number: Linsey won’t participate in a mastermind with fewer than three members, and she considers three the ideal number. If someone misses occasionally, a 1:1 meeting of the other two members is fine, but too many 1:1 meetings, and they’ll start to feel like chats. She suggests the best take on Napoleon Hill’s call for “two or more people” is actually exactly three.
    Four members can feel like too many. One of her masterminds initially had four people, but when one of them dropped out of the internship program they connected through, and the others agreed that they needed to proceed without that member.
  2. Definite Purpose: If you’re masterminding to augment participation in a specific program, everyone needs to be participating fully in that program. If you’re forming a business mastermind, everyone needs to be a business owner—or at least be actively working on a business idea. If the mastermind is for personal growth, all members should be involved in personal development activities beyond the mastermind so they bring something to the table.
  3. Biweekly Meetings: Some masterminds meet weekly. That hasn’t worked well for Linsey or the other group members she’s masterminded with, given their busy schedules. Instead, they’ve met biweekly.
    She’s found that monthly meetings aren’t a good fit as too much happens in between, and meetings turn into catch-ups and tend to stray from the agenda.
  4. Confidentiality: Whatever members share—whether it’s financial or personal life struggles, business setbacks, wins, or beyond—members agree that the topics covered and details shared during any mastermind meeting are confidential unless someone gives their express permission to share with others.
  5. Ideal Members: No one person has all the answers to your life and business questions, but you should have confidence that the other members in your group have the temperament and experience to contribute to your growth, especially if you are considering how to run peer led mastermind groups like Linsey has participated in.
    When she formed her first mastermind, the group collectively declined to accept a fourth member who was shopping for a home group because it was unclear how they would contribute.
    Ask questions, go with your gut, and be selective. If you want to facilitate mastermind groups that will last, saying “yes” to avoid hurting someone’s feelings is a no to winning agendas in the weeks, months, and possibly years to come.
  6. The Agenda Belongs to Everyone: An enduring group makes time for everyone. The agenda should be agreed upon by all group members and be predictable each time. Linsey’s current mastermind opens and closes with readings written specifically for the group. They do timed shares with no cross-talk, give feedback, and read through a series of Napoleon Hill’s steps for success, which she prefers to read exactly as they were originally written as she believes they contribute to the very “invisible intangible force” Hill refers to in Think and Grow Rich.
  7. In-Person or Online: Linsey’s first two groups met in person. Her current group uses video conference, and she loves that it means the mastermind can include a member who’s on Vancouver Island while the other two are in the Midwestern U.S. She’s also found that video conference leads to more focused meetings than she’s had at coffee shops, where there are inevitably distractions (like another cup of coffee!).

Think you (and your business!) could benefit from masterminding or mastermind coaching? Read on for the best mastermind groups for business owners, based on our research.

Best Mastermind Groups for Entrepreneurs

The following list of business masterminds is considered the best because they are limited in scope, have longevity, and have proven success records. Anyone can start a mastermind group, but a great mastermind group enhances the results of other business owners by sharing ideas.

When you combine small groups with peer support and a highly successful entrepreneur sharing knowledge, inevitably you should expect to pay more.

We realize that many UpFlip readers may find these groups out of their current budget (many are out of my budget, too). We strongly recommend following these thought leaders on social media, joining any free Facebook groups they offer, and building to where you can afford the benefits of mastermind groups, whether it’s one of these or another offering.

GrowthMentor Mastermind Groups

Price: $49, $99, $249
• Mastermind Groups: 25 City Squads with up to 75 members each
Mentorships: 1-hour call for entry-level plan, unlimited for others
Members: 600+

GrowthMentor is a website that offers three tiers of mentorship and local mastermind groups. The pricing starts at $49 per month and goes up from there. The unlimited calls for $99 is by far the best value.

Note that the calls are 1:1 with expert mentors, whereas the City Squads you can attend in person are GrowthMentor’s answer to masterminding. They also host Slack groups you can participate in between meetings. 

Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO)

Man in a tweed sport coat standing in front of a screenshot of Entrepreneurs’ Organization’s Membership page

Price: Accelerator is $1,750—otherwise undisclosed
Mastermind Groups: 60 chapters in 17 time zones
Mentorships: Yes
Members: 2,375

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization provides peer groups and a year-long accelerator program. This organization dates back to 1988, so there are decades of experience among these group members.


Price: Undisclosed
Mastermind Groups: 17 “tribes”
Mentorships: N/A
Members: Undisclosed

Eccountability lists 17 mastermind tribes that are specialized for accountants, business authors and coaches, consultants, podcasters, marketers, real estate agents, cryptocurrency experts, and more.

Business Network International (BNI)

Price: Free
Mastermind Groups: 10,900 local chapters
Mentorships: Based on your ability to network
Members: 318K

You have to attend a local BNI mastermind group, then go through an interview and reference check to see if you are eligible to join a local chapter. There are also options for members to start a mastermind group.

Dan Sullivan Strategic Coach

Dan Sullivan next to a laptop showing the Strategic Coach Membership Program’s dates, fees, and registration page

Price: $12,500
Mastermind Groups: Hosted online, and in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom
Mentorships: 2-year membership with an invite-only additional 2 years
Members: Undisclosed

The Strategic Coach offers a mastermind group that lasts for years. The first year is focused on developing your time management and vision, then the second year focuses on creating and innovating. If you’re invited, year three focuses on building business culture and preparing for growth.

Those who rock the first three years can enter the 10x Ambition Group. If you excel in the 10X Ambition Group, you may be invited into the exclusive The Free Zone Frontier hosted by Dan Sullivan, a leadership coach with over 40 years of experience.


Price: Undisclosed
Mastermind Groups: 7 different mastermind group offerings
Mentorships: Check for executive coaching opportunities in your area
Members: 45,000

Vistage is an organization that leverages mastermind principles and has a diverse array of offerings. It has been around for over 65 years and reports that its members improved their incomes by 4.6% in 2020, while most businesses saw a revenue decline of 4.7%.

In addition to their mastermind groups, they have local executive coaching opportunities, too.

Bright Strategy + Solutions

Price: $500 per session or $750/month with a 3-month minimum
Mastermind Groups: 7- to 10-member mastermind groups
Mentorships: 2- to 5-hour sessions
Members: Undisclosed

Bright Strategy +Solutions offers a general interest mastermind, a leadership group, a women in business group, and a new business and entrepreneur group.

The general interest mastermind is a one-time, five-hour session for $500, while the leadership group is $750 for two hours per month with a three-month minimum. 

The other two groups involve three-hour monthly sessions for $750 per month with a three-month minimum.

John Carlton Coaching’s Platinum Mastermind

Price: Undisclosed
Mastermind Groups: 2-day marketing mastermind group
Mentorships: $1,500 phone consultations
Members: 12 per meeting

The Platinum Mastermind is a two-day marketing mastermind group that focuses on solving your biggest marketing problems. You’ll gain tremendous insights, but prospective participants are screened by phone call, and only 12 are selected to participate.

Lewis Howes Summit of Greatness

Lewis Howes standing in the foreground and a screenshot of his Summit of Greatness 2024 page in the background

Price: TBD
Mastermind Groups: 2-day conference
Mentorships: No
Members: No

The Summit of Greatness replaced Lewis Howes’ previous mastermind group. This is the first year he is hosting it. Given the summit is not until September 2024, the pricing has not been disclosed yet.

Russell Brunson’s Inner Circle

Price: $50K, $150K, or $250K
Mastermind Groups: 3 levels based on income thresholds ($1M, $10M, $25M)
Mentorships: Monthly calls
Members: 100, 14, or 6 per mastermind group

Russel Brunson’s Inner Circle mastermind groups offer access to supportive colleagues at the same level of success you have reached. Before you can join the mastermind program, you have to have made more than $1M in ClickFunnels. This is for the most elite entrepreneurs given the specific barriers to entry and the membership fees.

Young President’s Organization (YPO)

Price: $49, $99, $249
Mastermind Groups: Local and global networking groups
Mentorships: Yes
Members: 34,000

A YPO group member has to be under 45, have reached certain positions, have more than 50 employees (or 25 employees with more than $2.5M in compensation), and at least $12 million in revenue. Get accepted, and you’ll have access to dozens of ways to connect and benefit from high-level mentorship.

Joe Polish’s Genius Network

Genius Network webpage on a laptop

Price: $35K, +$15K, +$20K, for a total of $70K
Mastermind Groups: Undisclosed
Mentorships: I hope so.
Members: Unknown

Joe Polish’s Genius Network focuses on more than just marketing. If focuses on changing your personal life and creating success. A person’s participation starts with a $35K-per-year fee, then you can go to conferences for $15K and purchase a Genius Network membership for $20K.

Indie Brand Builder

Price: Free newsletter
Mastermind Groups: Mastermind group currently has a waitlist
Mentorships: Yes, SEO consulting
Members: 1,250 newsletter recipients

This mastermind group is focused on digital marketing and SEO for entrepreneurs, but there is a waitlist to join. Think a spot could be right for you? Check out Indie Brand Builder today.

More Tips for Finding a Mastermind Group

  • Be clear about your goals. What do you want to achieve through your participation in a mastermind group? Having a clear sense of your goals will help you find a group that’s aligned with your interests.
  • Be open to feedback. Mastermind groups are a great way to get feedback on your work and ideas. Be open to receiving feedback from your peers, and use it to improve your performance.
  • Be a contributor. Mastermind groups are a two-way street. Be willing to share your ideas and experiences with the group, and be supportive of your peers.
  • Be patient. It takes time to build relationships and trust within a mastermind group. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Keep showing up and contributing to the group, and you’ll eventually start to see the benefits.
  • Know that you may not have to pay ongoing fees. A lot of big-name mastermind groups involve membership and per-meeting fees, but if you form your own mastermind or join one as part of a retreat or training, you may be able to agree to share your time with one another at no ongoing cost.

Who Are Your Ideal Mastermind Group Members?

When you get in a mastermind group, you’ll be focused on improving both your personal and professional life. There may be a mastermind group facilitator, then you and your fellow group members will wind up doing the bulk of the group coaching.

You’ll also normally have a forum, Facebook networking group, Slack channel, or good old-fashioned email thread where all the mastermind members will interact as a peer group between meetings.

Who would you love to join on a mastermind call, and if you mastermind now, what are your top takeaways?

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Brandon Boushy

Our lead writer, Brandon Boushy, has been a business consultant, business owner, and marketer since 2017. Brandon is committed to the pursuit of knowledge and continuous improvement. He measures his success based on how many business owners he helps succeed. Brandon started Raising Daisy Photography in 2017 with Stephanie MacIver. His role was focused on marketing, estimating, and managing customer interactions. He is also a freelance business researcher and has provided over 3,800 hours of business research for more than 50 clients. His blogs are read by over 2 million people every year. Brandon told us: "My motto is never quit learning. I bring this motto to everything I do, and find writing the best way to help share the data I obtain to assist business professionals pursue their dreams." He empowers companies to improve their communication and brand awareness through creative content strategies and blog writing.

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