55 Types of Cleaning Services (You Can Offer)

by Brandon Boushy
55 Types of Cleaning Services (You Can Offer)

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Did you know there are at least 55 types of cleaning services? When I began researching this topic, I had no idea how many cleaning business ideas I would find. It has been an unexpected adventure!

We’ve covered all the businesses you’d expect like home cleaning, commercial cleaning, power washing, laundromats, and car washes. Then, some are totally surprising like laser cleaning, hoarder cleanups, and sports facility cleaning. If you have a passion, there’s probably a cleaning job that focuses on it.

We’ll cover them all. Plus, we’ll provide you with a list of all the NAICS codes that involve cleaning, and a ton of resources to help you advance your career and business. Get ready to read one of the most intriguing blogs I have had the opportunity to write. I hope you enjoy it!

How many types of cleaning are there?

There are at least 55 different types of cleaning services that businesses can offer. Many are specialized cleaning types that you wouldn’t offer if you provide home cleaning services. The following sections share information on the type of cleaning services to offer.

1. Green cleaning services

Screenshot of USGBC website

There is a growing trend of providing green cleaning across all types of cleaning services. Green cleaning is focused on using:

  • Environmentally friendly cleaning solution(s)
  • Eco-friendly cleaning practices
  • Reusable cleaning supplies (cloths instead of paper towels)

The U.S. Green Building Council is the leading authority on environmental stewardship in the building environment. As part of their LEED Certified Building credentials, they require a green cleaning business plan and documentation, or a commercial cleaning service contractor with certification from one of the following organizations:

  • Green Seal’s Environmental Standard for Commercial Cleaning Services (GS-42)
  • Cleaning Industry Management Standard for Green Buildings (CIMS-GB)

Both of these are intensive and require SOPs, but they are worthwhile. The General Services Administration found that LEED buildings far outperformed comparable-sized non-LEED buildings with:

  • 34% lower CO2 emissions
  • 25% less energy consumption
  • 11% less water consumption
  • 80 million tons of waste diverted from landfills.

You can apply their standards to this whole list of cleaning services offered.

2. House cleaning services

Woman cleaning a table

House cleaners provide services to residential properties. Businesses offering house cleaning services may also offer a:

  • Deep cleaning service
  • Airbnb cleaning service
  • Move-in and move-out cleaning service
  • Apartment cleaning service
  • Carpet cleaning service
  • Window cleaning service
  • Maid service

Check out our blog about Bumble Bee Cleaning Services to learn more about how to start a house cleaning service.

3. Deep cleaning services

A deep cleaning service focuses on basic cleaning services and more detailed tasks that don’t have to be done as frequently. A deep clean will normally include:

  • Cleaning windows, frames, curtains, and blinds
  • Washing garbage bins
  • Replacing air filters and noting the date you changed it
  • Clean baseboards
  • Washing door frames and knobs
  • Wiping light switches
  • Testing fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Clearing out clutter 
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Standard house cleaning services like
    • Dusting
    • Sweeping
    • Mopping

These services normally charge more than standard house cleaning prices because they take longer. 

4. Airbnb cleaning services

woman arranging the pillows

A cleaning service business might also want to offer cleaning for vacation rentals hosted on Airbnb and Vrbo. This service is virtually identical to a house cleaning business, but benefits from:

  • Higher rates than residential cleaning
  • More frequent cleaning schedules than residential cleaning
  • Additional revenue streams through cohosting

Find out how Christobal Mondragon makes nearly $2 million per year in our interview with him below.

5. Move-in cleaning services

These cleaning businesses focus on cleaning houses and apartments before the tenant or owner moves in. The previous owners will normally clean the property when they move out, but it’s still beneficial to get a house cleaned before moving in. People love moving into a clean home. This professional cleaning service will be identical to a deep clean, but there is less stuff in the way so you can perform a better cleaning job.

Keep reading for more types of cleaning services.

6. Move-out cleaning services

Abandoned room with chair

Apartment complexes are major clients for this type of cleaning business, but you can also offer move-out house cleaning to homeowners and renters when they move out. Like the move-in cleaning, this cleaning business would offer the same services as a deep cleaning service.

7. Apartment cleaning services

These cleaning businesses mostly offer services to apartment complex owners, but they can also offer professional cleaning to tenants. An apartment cleaning service can be a great way for someone without a car to start a business. For instance, within a 1-mile radius, there are over 1,000 apartments in some cities. That creates a great opportunity. For those with cars, cleaning multiple apartments in a complex reduces the cost of gas and increases your profit margins.

Keep reading for more types of cleaning services

8. Maid services

Two female housekeeping staffs making bed in room

Traditionally, maids were responsible for keeping the house clean regularly. A cleaning company that offers a maid service will normally provide their services to the same customer or customers frequently. They will normally provide other cleaning services like:

  • Doing laundry
  • Making beds
  • Cleaning up after pets 

This term is often used interchangeably with other types of house cleaning services, but maid services can also be nannies or live-in services with a single client.

Want to learn more about cleaning businesses? Check out Cristobal’s 7-Figure Cleaning Business Blueprint with the UpFlip Academy to learn how to make millions cleaning homes.

9. Carpet cleaning services

Cleaning carpets can be offered as a service of residential and commercial cleaning services, but many businesses clean carpets exclusively. This cleaning business can be combined with other types of cleaning like:

  • Upholstery cleaning tasks
  • Odor removal
  • Mold remediation
  • Janitorial cleaning

Check out our blog about starting a carpet cleaning business to learn more.

10. Business cleaning services

Professional cleaners offer different types of commercial cleaning services for businesses based on commercial properties’ cleaning needs. Commercial businesses need all the same types of cleaning as residential buildings, but there are unique offerings like:

  • Office spaces
  • Hotel rooms
  • Restroom cleaning
  • Janitorial services
  • Jet washer services
  • Medical cleaning
  • Hazmat cleaning
  • Data center cleaning

Commercial buildings will often require different types of cleaners, most with specialized tools. Without the right equipment and cleaning products, a business could cause major damage to equipment.

11. Curtain cleaning services

A curtain cleaning service specifically focuses on cleaning fabric. This isn’t normally a stand-alone cleaning but is on the cleaning services list for a carpet cleaning or upholstery cleaner. The most basic types of clean curtains can be cleaned in a washer and dryer. Some fabrics may require a dry cleaner or another professional cleaner.

Keep reading for different types of cleaning services.

12. Duct cleaning services

A ventilation cleaner man at work with tool

Duct cleaning is focused on improving indoor air quality. The cleaning jobs require special cleaning supplies, training, and equipment. This is mostly a service sold for residential cleaning, but commercial buildings need it sometimes, too. If you want to offer this service, I strongly suggest you get hands-on training from NADCA. Without it, you can cause damage to customers’ heating and cooling systems.

13. HVAC coil cleaning services


If you run a duct cleaning company, you might also want to consider offering coil cleaning services. HVAC coils require special products to clean surfaces because aluminum and copper corrode easily. Don’t get the idea to use a power washer while cleaning coils because it will bend the fins and reduce the usefulness of the HVAC equipment.

14. Window cleaning services

Window cleaners can make a great living. They use power washing tools outside to make it fast and easy to wash windows. We interviewed Martin Skarra about his window washing business and found out he makes $90K revenue per month and has nearly doubled the revenue since buying it. Find out how in our interview below:

15. Kitchen cleaning services

Commercial cleaning services will offer kitchen cleaning to restaurants and other businesses with kitchens. Commercial kitchens have lots of specialized equipment that needs to be cleaned to maintain a healthy environment. You’ll be cleaning equipment like:

  • Commercial fryers
  • Vent hoods
  • Exhaust fans
  • Commercial grills

Be careful when working in this segment of the cleaning industry because some restaurants don’t take good care of their equipment. This could expose you to electric shock or grease burns.

Commercial kitchen worker washing up at sink

Keep reading for more types of cleaning services you can offer to clients.

16. Spring cleaning services

Consider offering a spring cleaning service to your regular cleaning clients, so they know at least once a year they are getting an extra thorough cleaning job done. A spring clean is like a deep clean, but you may help them eliminate unwanted items that are creating clutter in their homes.

17. Wall cleaning services

You might want to offer wall cleaning if you are a cleaning company, smoke remediation expert, or pressure washing business. People who smoke indoors leave a residue all over their walls. Check out the picture below to see how it looks when a smoker takes pictures off their walls. Commercial kitchens, daycares, and industrial structures can also have walls that could use annual scrubbing. 

In addition, the building exterior can get dirty. Check out the difference between the before and after pictures from NW Softwash.

18. Gutter cleaning services

Gutter cleaning is another service that a pressure washing company should consider offering. Gutters are crucial to protecting the roof, yard, and surrounding areas when it rains. If they are clogged, you’ll eventually see signs of damage. Check out our interview with Stephen from NW Softwash Below:

If you’re interested in starting a pressure washing business, check out the complete guide.

19. Medical cleaning services

The healthcare environment is unique and has special cleaning needs. You will probably want to get common OSHA certifications for healthcare including:

  • OSHA #7200 – Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control (7 hours)
  • OSHA #7205 – Health Hazard Awareness (6 hours)
  • OSHA #7210 – Pandemic Illness Preparedness (5.5 hours)

See the full list of OSHA certifications.

20. Office cleaning services

Office spaces are high traffic buildings. Many cleaning businesses provide office cleaning services because they are high-frequency recurring services. These cleaning jobs may function during business operations or after hours on commercial property. Depending on the client, a cleaning services company may need to run background checks on employees.

21. Commercial cleaning services

We previously listed business cleaning services, but there is a slight difference between the commercial cleaning services list and business cleaning. Commercial cleaning includes both residential and commercial cleaning services. In other words, Airbnb owners and realtors would be in this category even though they are technically residential cleaning.

22. Dry cleaning services

Some materials cannot be washed with water because it destroys the fabric. Cleaning businesses will need to use high-end chemicals to treat the products that require this treatment. This is a specialized field, but you might offer it as an additional service if you run a laundromat, carpet cleaning service, or restoration business.

23. Upholstery cleaning services

Youthful woman wearing blue uniform wiping dust off the sofa

Upholstery cleaning is focused on furniture cleaning. Most furniture needs periodic cleaning, but customers expect a skilled technician when they need it cleaned. The best cleaning service will be the one that understands how to work on materials like:

  • Leather
  • Cotton 
  • Silk
  • Wool
  • Linen
  • Polyester
  • Other synthetic materials

There’s even a list of certs for cleaning furniture. Keep reading for more cleaning services types.

24. Leather cleaning services

Man detailing the car interior

While searching for the most prolific writer on leather cleaning, I discovered Tips Bulletin, by Joan Clark. She’s written over 80 blogs about leather cleaning and is also one of the top 20 writers about cleaning according to Ahrefs. 

Leather cleaning services help care for furniture, leather clothing, car interiors, and more. If you have a passion for leather, consider specializing in leather cleaning and restoration.

25. Hoarder cleaning services

Abandoned room with appliances to be junk

Cleaning a house packed full of items that a person couldn’t bear to get rid of is one of the most challenging cleaning jobs a company can take. It involves going through everything, eliminating as much as possible, and hauling away the junk. Then, you can begin cleaning and decontaminating the space. The cleaning service description will need to be detailed. The good news is it can lead to a huge payday.

According to Palmetto Commercial Services pricing for a 1,000 square foot space includes:

  • $50 to $125 per man hour: Deciding what to trash
  • $2,250: $50 to $75 per cubic yard (27 cubic feet) for disposing of property
  • $750 to $2,500: Cleaning and disinfecting

A two-person team could easily make $100K per year with as little as four jobs a year.

Graduation icon

Learn From This Cleaning Business Owner Making $140K per MONTH!

Sign up for the UpFlip Academy and get access to a full program inspired by Chris Mondragon’s successful cleaning business. You’ll learn exactly how he went from making $0 to over $1.5M per year, including his business-building PDFs and guaranteed marketing tactics. Plus, Chris explains the mistakes he’s already made so that you don’t have to learn the hard way! Whatever cleaning service you’re looking to provide, you’ll get so much out of Chris’s journey.
Join the UpFlip Academy!

26. Sanitization services

Screenshot of Green Orchard Group website

Sanitization is a step above standard cleaning services. It is the process of reducing a virus or bacteria to a safe level within a space. If you offer this cleaning service, you are most likely using a combination of sanitizer and disinfectant from the EPA’s List N Tool. Use the disinfectant finder to identify approved products.

Cleaning companies can perform this task. Green Orchard Group recommends the following training to properly perform this work:

  • Environmental Health & Safety Certification
  • Biohazard Cleanup Certification (available at IJCSA)
  • Pathogen Decontamination Certification

27. Portable sanitation services

Construction sites, events, and other businesses need porta potties and portable hand washing stations regularly. Some types of cleaning services specifically focus on cleaning and maintaining portable toilets and sinks.

28. Mold remediation services

Screenshot of EPA website

If mold develops in a home or business, they need someone to help remove it. Cleaning companies can perform mold remediation, but the people working on it should be properly trained. Check out the EPA’s mold home page for more information about how to test and treat mold.

29. Smoke remediation services

Cleaning companies can offer smoke remediation services for properties with smoke damage. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification’s Master Fire and Smoke Restorer track covers what cleaning procedures to use.

30. Environmental cleanup services

There are specialized cleaning companies that focus on environmental cleanup and restoration after oil spills. Check the EPA Cleanup Programs for ones in your area and their requirements for contractors.

31. Pressure washing services

Pressure washing, power washing, and soft washing are all cleaning services that use a pressurized stream of water to clean the outside of buildings, driveways, and cars. Check out our interview with a pressure washing company below:

32. Hazmat cleanup services

Hazard cleaning services work in environments that may expose people to biological or chemical materials that can cause long-term health impacts or even death. If you are going to offer this service, make sure to review the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations page and get the proper certifications and training.

33. Junk removal services

A large number of accumulated plastic bags and plastic packaging of household waste

Haul off people’s trash, appliances, and other items that garbage collectors won’t collect. If you offer this service, you can also make money by breaking down electronics and recycling them by the type of metal. It effectively gives you multiple streams of revenue from one service.

34. Laundry services

Housekeepers, laundromats, and dry cleaners should also consider offering laundry services to increase their revenue.

35. Pool cleaning services

Screenshot of IBIS World website

Cleaning residential and commercial pools can be a great service to offer. You get to spend time outside, and the pool cleaning market is highly fractionalized. IBIS World considers the pool cleaning industry to be without market leaders. That means someone who does a great job and is looking to grow could do so easily.

36. Disaster cleaning services

There are companies with an entire business strategy designed to help clean up after natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. This service can be highly profitable, but you’ll need to be skilled at working with government agencies like FEMA. You’ll probably also need one or more disaster cleanup certifications, but feel free to volunteer to develop some experience. 

37. Janitorial services

Janitorial team working at the office

Most large commercial buildings need a janitorial team and prefer to outsource the work. Offering janitorial services requires a larger team of cleaners working with the same client daily. If you get clients like this, you can negotiate a storage closet for your equipment because your employees will be there daily. Storing equipment on site will reduce the number of company vehicles you need compared to mobile cleaners with weekly clients.

38. Car cleaning services

Mobile car detailers, chip repair companies, and interior detailers are all cleaning companies that make a great living. You can start them for a low cost, and there are plenty of opportunities to market your business economically. Learn about how Slide In Mobile Detailing makes over $100K per year from a $500 investment:

39. Boat cleaning services

Powerwashing businesses can offer maritime cleaning if they live near an ocean or lake. Keeping a boat clean offers unique challenges; be sure to study up on the particulars before offering boat cleaning services. The International Detailing Association offers a boat cleaning business certification that provides online exams plus hands-on training.

40. Data center cleaning services

Cleaning data centers is a big business with specialized equipment. Stream Data Centers manage data centers for Fortune 500 companies and estimate that major data centers spend $10 million to $25 million per year in expenses. That means a single data center could be a $500K contract for a cleaning company.

41. Crime scene cleaning services

Screenshot of IBIS World website

Cleaning up crime scenes is often contracted out to independent companies. It’s hard to find exact data on this segment, but forensic evidence collection and cleaning services are available. Less than 100 businesses are competing for crime scene forensic cleanups according to IBIS World Report OD4174. They split $815 million in revenue and $74.2 net income. That means the average company in this service makes nearly $750 thousand in profit annually.

42. Blind cleaning services

Just to be clear, this is cleaning window blinds, but there may be a market for cleaning blind people, too. This could be combined with basic cleaning services, window washing companies, or janitorial services. It’s mostly dusting, but you could also do installs and repainting.

43. School cleaning services

Woman cleaning the student desk

Public schools spend nearly $64 billion on operations and maintenance yearly. Only a portion of that is for cleaning services, but an energy.gov study found that cleaning can save $350K in energy costs per school. Just search “cleaning” in the report to read about the cleaning services that helped the most. Make sure to include them in your bids.

44. Restroom cleaning services

This type of service might be combined with a pool cleaning service that works with apartment complexes. If you rent and clean porta potties, you might be able to expand your offerings to clean restrooms in trailers and other buildings. Residential and commercial cleaning should also include this in basic cleaning. Restroom cleaning includes:

  • Wipe down countertops
  • Clean mirrors
  • Clean dispensers for toilet paper and paper towels
  • Refill paper towels and toilet paper
  • Disinfect toilets
  • Clean sinks
  • Scrub showers
  • Vacuum and mop floors
  • Clean vacuum 
  • Take out the trash

45. Sports cleaning services

Screenshot of Palmetto Services website

Stadiums and coliseums have unique needs that many places don’t. Cleaning them means cleaning:

  • Sports equipment
  • Specialized surfaces like astroturf, polished courts, or ice rinks
  • Graffiti removal
  • Escalator cleaning 
  • And anything else that a sports center might need

Palmetto Service has a great page describing all the unique needs for sporting venues.

46. Foreclosure cleaning services

A foreclosed home can be a disaster. People have often left everything behind. If you offer move-out services or work with realtors, you might want to add foreclosure cleaning to your services. You’ll need a box truck or a trailer to haul items and debris, but you can make substantial revenue from what has been left. Alternatively, you can partner with a company like Junk King to handle the removal of the junk. 

Keep reading for more types of cleaning services.

47. Construction cleaning service

man sweeping dust after construction work

During new construction and building renovations, piles of debris and contaminants will harm breathing. Construction cleanup crews do the cleaning tasks and waste removal for construction sites. If you already work with contaminated spaces, you might consider offering a post-construction cleaning service.

48. Street cleaning services

Major roads and freeways need to be cleaned regularly. Street sweepers and snow plows are street cleaning services that can be a business of their own or as a side gig. In Big Rapids, Michigan, practically everyone with a truck supplements their income by cleaning the streets of snow during the winter months. 

49. Food cleaning services

Screenshot of NAICS website

Rice and other foods must be cleaned after they are grown. Businesses that clean and polish rice are listed under NAICS code 311212. This is a separate business from most cleaning services. There is no overlap.

50. Cleaning services supplies vendor

If you create your own cleaning products, you can also create a supply company. That’s exactly what Austin Miller did when he expanded his local cleaning company to become a nationwide supplier of cleaning products online. He’s even started selling franchises. Check out our interview with him below:

51. Gun cleaning services

I can’t talk much about this service because Google tends to downrank pages that talk about it, but there are well over 100,000 searches for the kits, solvents, and services focused on this cleaning industry.

52. Metal descaling services

Have you ever wanted to include lasers in your description of cleaning services? Maybe you should start a metal descaling company. There are over 2,400 searches per month for each of the terms “cleaning laser(s),” “laser cleaning,” and ”laser cleaner.” They mostly involve removing impurities from a metal. I had to YouTube it!

53. Chimney sweeping

If you like getting dirty, chimney sweeping might be the cleaning job for you. Chimneys get soot on them when a fire burns. If they aren’t clean, the soot can combust and light the entire property on fire. Cleaning chimneys exposes you to lung irritants, so make sure to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment if you offer chimney sweeping.

54. Car washes

Male worker cleaning the car

These businesses are starting to become more profitable. Most charge monthly memberships with multiple levels of service. It helps them increase lifetime customer values. You can have automated services or mobile car washing. Either way, it can be highly profitable.

55. Masonry cleaning and caulking services

Masonry gets dirty, too. Power washing companies might consider offering these services. Cleaning companies can also clean showers (e.g., public campgrounds, gyms, etc.) and recaulk them. Just make sure you know what you are doing before offering the service.

What is usually included in a cleaning service?

A cleaning service normally includes two cleaners and a full house cleaning with:

  1. Dusting
  2. Mirror and window washing (interior only)
  3. Cleaning sinks
  4. Sanitizing counters
  5. Cleaning toilets
  6. Vacuuming
  7. Mopping floors

Some even include laundry and dishes in their normal cleaning. You might want to check out our cleaning blogs about:

They’ll prepare you to start taking clients.

What type of business is a cleaning service?

Cleaning businesses are classified by NAICS code. The NAICS code will vary by the type of cleaning business you operate. The most commonly used NAICS cleaning service businesses are:

  • 561720: Janitorial Services (including residential housekeeping)
  • 561740: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services
  • 561790: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings (including pressure washing)
  • 811192: Car Washes (mobile car washing, too)

You can view all the NAICS codes for cleaning in the table below, which was compiled by searching washing on NAICS.com, then gathering the NAICS code, title, and description from the 2022 NAICS codes in the U.S. Census Bureau.

NAICS Code NAICS Title Description from US Census Bureau
115114 Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning) Crop harvesting and processing services including cleaning, shelling, curing, grading, cooling, sun drying, fumigating, sorting, and packing. 
115210 Support Activities for Animal Production Live stock and domestic animal breeding, breed documentation, boarding, herd improvements, (5) livestock spraying, and sheep dipping/shearing.
212114 Surface Coal Mining Companies in developing, cleaning, sizing, and screening surface mining of coal. Does not include the actual mining of coal.
213112 Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations Companies providing support services for oil and gas operations including exploration; excavating cellars and slush pits; well surveying; cutting, running, and pulling casings, rods, and tubes; cementing and shooting wells; perforating well casings; chemically treating and acidizing wells; and cleaning out, bailing, and swabbing wells.Does not Include geophysical surveying and mapping, construction, site preparation, and transportation activities.
238140 Masonry Contractors Companies in masonry work,  bricklaying, stone setting, and other stone work. The work performed may include new work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.Includes:BricklayingBlock layingMasonry pointing, cleaning, or caulking

Marble, granite, and slate, exterior, contractors

Concrete block laying

Foundation (e.g., brick, block, stone), building, contractors

Stucco contractors

238220 Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors Companies involved in the service, installation, maintenance, cleaning, and repair of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Includes:Cooling tower installationDuct work (e.g., cooling, dust collection, exhaust, heating, ventilation) installationLawn and fire sprinkler system installationMechanical contractors

Fireplace, natural gas, installation

Commercial, industrial, and scientific refrigeration system installation

Furnace installation

Building connections and hookups to sewers.

238290 Other Building Equipment Contractors Building contractors except electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, or ventilation equipment. New work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs of building equipment including:Machine riggingAutomated and revolving door installationMillwrightsLightning rod installation

Boiler and pipe insulation installation

Elevator installation

Commercial-type door installation

Conveyor system installation

Commercial or industrial revolving and overhead door installation

Dismantling large-scale machinery and equipment

Elevator or escalator installation

Satellite TV and internet dish installation for homes

Built-in vacuum system installation

Installation of gas pumps

311212 Rice Milling Companies that do any of the following: mill, clean, polish, and package rice.
325612 Polish and Other Sanitation Goods Manufacturing Companies producing polish or other cleaning chemicals.
332813 Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring Companies that perform the following on metal products: electroplating, plating, anodizing, coloring, buffing, polishing, cleaning, and sandblasting metals and metal products for trade work. Companies may also be in this category if they work on metal and other products.
332994 Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing guns (small arms), other ordnance, and/or ordnance accessories.
333111 Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Companies manufacturing agricultural, farming, turf, and ground care machinery or equipment. Includes planting, harvesting, and commercial grass mowing equipment.Types of machines manufactured in this NAICS code:Combines, harvester-threshersCotton ginsFeed processing equipment for farms

Fertilizing machinery for farms

Haying machines 

Milking machines

Planting machines for farms

Plows for farms

Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers

Farm tractors and attachments

333131 Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing Companies manufacturing:Underground mining machinery and equipment, such as mining cars, coal breakers, core and rock drills,  and coal cutters. Mineral beneficiating machinery and equipment used in surface or underground mines.
333241 Food Product Machinery Manufacturing Companies that manufacture machines used in food and beverage manufacturing including:
Dairy product machinery and equipment, like ice cream freezers, homogenizers, and pasteurizers Bakery machinery and equipment like bake ovens, dough mixers, and pastry rolling machinesMeat and poultry processing and preparation machinerySlicers, choppers, and mixers
333310 Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing Companies manufacturing commercial and service industry machinery including:Optical instruments and lenses (except ophthalmic)Photography and photocopying equipmentVending machinesCommercial laundry and drycleaning machines

Office equipment

Car maintenance equipment (except mechanics’ handtools)

Commercial cooking equipment

334510 Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing Companies manufacturing:Electromedical and electrotherapeutic devicesMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRIs) equipmentUltrasound equipmentPacemakers

Hearing aids


Electromedical endoscopic equipment

335210 Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Companies manufacturing:Small electric appliances and electric housewaresHousehold-type fans (except attic fans)Household vacuum cleanersElectric home floor care machines


Residential bath fan manufacturers

Home carpet and floor cleaning equipment manufacturers

Residential ceiling fan  manufacturing

Curling irons manufacturing

Electric blankets manufacturing

Portable electric space heaters manufacturers

Electric portable hair dryer manufacturing

Household portable cooking appliances (except microwave, convection ovens) manufacturing

Portable humidification system manufacturing

Electric scissor manufacturing

Home ventilation and exhaust fan manufacturing

335999 All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing Companies manufacturing industrial and commercial electric apparatus and other equipment. Examples of products include:AC-to-DC and DC-AC convertersUninterruptible power supplies (UPS)Surge suppressors 


Appliance cords made from purchased insulated wire

Solid-state battery chargers

Electric door openers

Electric bells

Extension cords made from purchased insulated wire

Similar equipment for industrial-type and consumer-type equipment.

Does not include:

Communication and energy wires and cables



Lighting equipment


Household appliances 



Industrial control Control systems


Wiring devices

Carbon and graphite products

339113 Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing Companies manufacturing surgical appliances and supplies including:Orthopedic devicesProsthetic appliancesSurgical dressingsCrutches

Surgical sutures

Personal industrial safety devices (except protective eyewear)

Hospital beds

Operating room tables.

423810 Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers Companies that are wholesale distributors of specialized machinery, equipment, and related parts generally used in construction, mining (except oil well), and logging activities including:Excavation equipment wholesalersRoad maintenance and construction equipment wholesalersForestry equipment wholesalersScaffolding wholesalers

Mining crane wholesalers

423820 Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers Companies that are wholesale distributors of equipment parts used on farms, gardens, lawns, and agriculture including:Animal feeder wholesalersLawnmower wholesalersMilking equipment wholesalersHarvesting equipment wholesalers

Planting machinery wholesalers

423850 Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers Companies that are wholesale distributors of service company supplies and equipment including:Amusement park equipment wholesalersBeauty supply and equipment wholesalersCar wash supply and equipment wholesalersDrycleaning  supply and equipment wholesalers

Voting machine wholesalers

Janitorial supply and equipment wholesalers

Undertakers’ supply and equipment wholesalers

Upholsterers’ supply and equipment wholesalers (excluding fabric)

Municipal water treatment equipment wholesalers

Does not include supplies and equipment used in:

hotels, offices, restaurants, stores, schools, photographic facilities, health and medical facilities, transportation, and construction activities.

424690 Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers Companies focused on the wholesale distribution of chemicals and allied products Including:Acid wholesalersIndustrial chemical wholesalersAutomotive chemical wholesalers (except grease and lubricating oil)Industrial salt wholesalers

Dyestuff wholesalers

Rosin wholesalers

Explosives wholesalers (except fireworks and ammunition)

Turpentine wholesalers

Excludes plastics materials, fireworks,  paints and varnishes, agricultural and medicinal chemicals, and basic forms or shapes.

488210 Support Activities for Rail Transportation Companies providing specialized services for railroad transportation, including servicing, routine repairing (except factory conversion, overhaul, or rebuilding of rolling stock), and maintaining rail cars; loading and unloading rail cars; and operating independent terminals.Cleaning rail cars and tracks
488320 Marine Cargo Handling Companies providing port-to-port transportation and other marine cargo handling services (except warehousing).This may involve cleaning.
488490 Other Support Activities for Road Transportation Companies providing services (except towing) to road users including:Bridge, tunnel, and highway operationsStreet cleanersPilot car services (i.e., wide load warning services)Truck or weighing station operations

Driving services, independent (e.g., automobile, truck delivery)

532490 Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Companies renting and leasing machinery and equipment  Companies provide products such as:Manufacturing equipmentMetalworking equipmentTelecommunications equipment Motion picture and theatrical equipment

Service industry machines

Furniture for public buildings

Automated agricultural equipment 

Excludes heavy construction, transportation, mining, and forestry machinery and equipment without operators; and office machinery and equipment.

561720 Janitorial Services Companies that clean building and transportation spaces and/or windows. Most will fall into this category.Custodial servicesMaidsService station cleaning and degreasing servicesWashroom sanitation services

Homekeeping services

561740 Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services Companies that clean and dye used rugs, carpets, and upholstery.
561790 Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings Companies providing services to buildings and dwellings including:Building exterior cleaning services (except sandblasting, window cleaning)Pool maintenance and cleaning Chimney sweeping companiesDuct cleaning companies

Drain cleaning

Gutter cleaning services

Does not include exterminators, janitorial services, landscapers, or carpet and upholstery cleaning.

562991 Septic Tank and Related Services Companies renting, cleaning, or pumping porta potties, septic tanks, and cesspools. 
562998 All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services These companies provide waste management services including:Sewer cleaning and rodding servicesBeach cleaning and maintenance Catch basin cleaning servicesstorm basin or sewer cleanout services

Catch basin cleaning services

Commercial or industrial tank cleaning and disposal services

This NAICS code does not include: remediation, waste collection, septic tank pumping and related services, waste disposal and treatment, operation of materials recovery facilities, and waste management consulting services.

811192 Car Washes These companies clean, wash, and/or wax cars, vans, trucks, and trailers. Some businesses in this section include:Car detailing shopsSelf-service car washesMobile car washers and detailersCar washes
811310 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance These companies repair and maintain commercial and industrial machinery and equipment. The services include:Sharpening and installing industrial or commercial machinery saws  and bladesGeneral and Automotive welding repair servicesAgricultural  equipment repairIndustrial heavy machinery and equipment on forklifts, commercial refrigeration, machine tools, construction equipment, mining machinery, and other heavy equipment.
811490 Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance Companies that repair and service personal or household-type goods without selling new goods normally include:Repair clothingFix watchesClean and repair jewelryRepair and clean musical instruments

Work on bicycles and motorcycles

Repair and maintain motorboats, canoes, sailboats, and other recreational boats.

This NAICS code does not include home and garden equipment, appliances, furniture, footwear, and leather goods.

812320 Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated) These companies perform one or more of the following: Drycleaning servicesLaundering servicesProvide drop-off and pick-up locations for laundry and dry cleaning servicesSpecialty cleaning services for clothing with special cleaning requirements 

Textile cleaning such as  wedding gowns, fur, hats. leather, draperies, suede, and pillows 

These companies may provide service at customers locations, in a store, or outsource the work.

 The following categories of laundry services are not in this category: uniform supply companies, coin-and-card-operated laundromats, carpet and upholstery cleaning companies.

NAICS Cleaning codes

What are the most profitable cleaning services?

All cleaning services can be highly profitable, but the businesses that offer biohazard cleanup and crime scene cleanup tend to get the most government jobs. These jobs tend to be high revenue generating options and have less competition due to the barriers to entry. Check out the Small Business Administration’s resources on government contracting to prepare for high-paying government contracts.

Which cleaning services do you offer?

I hope you found this list of cleaning offerings beneficial. There are some that you might not want, but most can be offered by standard home and office cleaning companies. After you’ve decided what services to offer, you’ll want to create a pricing guide.

Which cleaning services do you offer? Did you get inspiration for new services?

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Brandon Boushy

Our lead writer, Brandon Boushy, has been a business consultant, business owner, and marketer since 2017. Brandon is committed to the pursuit of knowledge and continuous improvement. He measures his success based on how many business owners he helps succeed. Brandon started Raising Daisy Photography in 2017 with Stephanie MacIver. His role was focused on marketing, estimating, and managing customer interactions. He is also a freelance business researcher and has provided over 3,800 hours of business research for more than 50 clients. His blogs are read by over 2 million people every year. Brandon told us: "My motto is never quit learning. I bring this motto to everything I do, and find writing the best way to help share the data I obtain to assist business professionals pursue their dreams." He empowers companies to improve their communication and brand awareness through creative content strategies and blog writing.

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Brian Winch@ 2024-01-22 15:35:36

Don't forget parking lot litter pickup. It's almost as easy to do as going for a walk. The service is done on-foot with simple hand tools. You contract with property management companies to maintain the exterior property of their commercial properties litter free. I started doing this as a side business in 1981 and grew it into a six-figure business of 40+ years.

Mudabir Ansari@ 2024-01-03 06:21:46

Hi, I hope you are doing well!! I am Mudabir. I have noticed a few issues on your website, and I would like to help you resolve those issues and excel in your business in the digital world. I am an SEO specialist and digital marketer. I help small businesses get more business from their website and social media. If you say yes, I will share your website's complete issues and discuss it further. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Mudabir

Greg@ 2023-08-08 09:44:43

Wow!! I think you pretty much covered all the cleaning services you can offer. At Dallas Maids we only cover a few of them because they are the most in demand. They are Standard, Detail, Move-out, Apartment cleaning, and Carpet cleaning as you can see here at https://www.dallasmaids.com/our-services Maybe one day we'll add more.

GoSensi@ 2023-02-24 04:20:43

Thank you for posting this helpful blog, and we also provide cleaning supplies at wholesale prices.

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